My process is experimental and interconnected, ranging from drawings, sculpture to site specific installation. I am interested in the tensions and interactions, between the mundane and the technological parts of contemporary ecosystems. I'm searching for patterns and connections, as well as interruptions and moments of dysfunctionality. I am interested in our desire to understand and impose order on the mess around us, and the impossibility of such a task. I aim to bring these things together to form a narrative, which is ambiguous and waivers between the real and artificial, the familiar and bizarre.


BA Fine art 2021-24, Kingston School of Art, Kingston University London - Results Pending

UAL Level 4 Foundation diploma in art and design 2020-21, Barton Peveril college  - Distinction

Group Exhibitions:

The labourers of Life   - Not my Beautiful House, Kingston upon Thames, 1-3 Dec 2021

This Space of Ours - River house studios, Kingston upon Thames, 4th Oct 2022

Publication as exhibition - The Stanley Picker Gallery, kingston upon thames, 14th Dec 2022

Publication as exhibition - The Stanley Picker Gallery, kingston upon thames, 14th Dec 2022

Tentacular thinking- Avionics studios, Kingston upon Thames, sep 2023

Publication as exhibition - The Stanley Picker Gallery, kingston upon thames, 14th Dec 2022

Tentacular thinking- Avionics studios, Kingston upon Thames, sep 2023

Publication as exhibition - The Stanley Picker Gallery, kingston upon thames, 14 dec 2023

Signets- The swan, Kingston upon thames, 21st Feb 2024
